"Point-of-Sales Management"

FALCON ERP Point of Sale Management (POS)

If you own a retail store or even a chain of stores, you obviously know how important effective sales management is. In order to improve this process in your enterprise, we offers a FALCON ERP POS (Point of Sale) system, which support full-scale sales management, warehouse management, customers and products management, inventory tracking, as well as integration with Point of Sale equipment.

It provides necessary functionality for sales management. FALCON ERP POS can be used in retail stores as well as wholesales. FALCON ERP POS can be customized according to your requirements. The software is constantly developed, what will help you to follow the current trends of the market. We will improve your retail management, meaning to increase the satisfaction of your customers, shorten the time of sales and increase your profits – FALCON ERP POS is the perfect solution for you.

Advantages of FALCON ERP POS:

  • It includes necessary functionality for complex retail management process.
  • It allows for integration with Point of Sale equipment (barcode system, touch screens, fiscal printers, card readers etc.), which improves sale process.
  • Dynamic development - your software will always follow the current business trends due to free access to the latest updates.
  • Simple, intuitive and aesthetic graphic interface - you and your employees will not have any difficulties in getting familiar and using the software during your daily tasks.
  • Compatibility with Windows various flavors.
  • Detailed documentation.
  • Easy integration with FALCON ERP Software.
  • Scalability - the system does not lose efficiency, even when its complexity grows.

FALCON ERP Retail/POS Management helps retailers to automate their entire systems. We assist retailers to manage their retail operations like loyalty management, promotions, inventory management, inventory planning, business intelligence, point of sale, store management and many more. With FALCON ERP retail/POS management organizations can make managing their business even easier, save time and increase profit. We strive to make every feature easy to use and understand to manage all your store locations, improve customer service, financial information and many more at any moment.

Manage your retail operation with FALCON ERP POS:

  • Increase the efficiency of your retail management - integration of FALCON ERP POS software and specialized Point of Sale equipment, like: a barcode system, touch screens, fiscal printers, and card readers etc., considerably shortening the transaction time.
  • Manage your stocks and contractors in an intuitive and easy way.
  • Control your financial conditions with a help of appropriate reports and charts.
  • Manage and track your product movements – FALCON ERP POS software informs you about the location of your stock - starting from an order, to receipt and storage, and finishing by a sale.
  • Be also informed about the current stock levels.
  • Improve your decision-making process - reports and charts customized to your needs will always provide you with all necessary information, like the effectiveness of a certain product or if the amount of inventory is adequate to the demand - it will help you choose the best strategy.
  • Organize your products in categories - it will help your employees to find it faster.
  • Decide by yourself, how your invoices should look like.
  • Be sure that your data is safely managed.
  • “Cashier friendly” user interface - as simple as conventional cash register.
  • Minimal training period, no prior computer skills required.
  • Convenient Base Keys designed to minimize keystrokes making faster and more efficient checkouts User-definable Discount features – Item and subtotal level.
  • Maintain separate totals for each cashier or shift allowing individual day end balancing.
  • Put Bills on hold (SAVE) and recall (CALL) back any number of times.
  • Allows Membership cards to be scanned.
  • Customer discounts are automatically calculated.
  • Single key stroke Help function searches item either by product code or name during checkout.
  • Payment types include: Cash, Credit/Charge cards, Vouchers/Gift certificates, Cheques.
  • Cashier Sign On/Sign Off from the billing screen prevents unauthorized access.
  • Barcode Compatibility dramatically reduces clerical errors and check-out times.
  • Pay out and Receipts from the cash till can be recorded straight away on the cash billing screen.
  • Create Shifts.
  • Promotions and Special Sales.
  • Design your own messages on bills – define or redefine your own promotion on the bill headers or footers anytime.
  • Identify top selling products.
  • Tracks sales performance of staff.
  • Maintain Stock by department, brand, category, sub category etc.
  • Optional auto generation of UID (Item code).
  • Process unlimited number of items, department, categories, sub categories, brands.
  • Units of measurement – un-limited units with unique barcodes and prices.
  • Multiple Sale Prices – maintain up to three different sale prices for any item.
  • Bundled Quantities – Set up to 3 different sale prices for bundled quantities.
  • Track stock from supplier – allows tracking of all item purchase.
  • Item Aging reports display both closing quantity and value.
  • Transfer stock between branches, locations.
  • Maintains stock value either by Weighted Average.